About us
Our team of seasoned experts has been instrumental in delivering groundbreaking scientific, technology, engineering and project achievements worldwide, including the historical advancements at the National Ignition Facility.
With a proven track record in building and scaling high-impact organizations, we are united by a shared passion for revolutionizing energy.
Our collective experience empowers Longview to tackle the complex challenges of commercializing fusion technology and delivering a sustainable energy future.

Meet the team
Edward Moses, PhD
Valerie Roberts
John Post, MBA, PMP
Mary Woollen, MSW
Pat Schweiger
Our advisors
Hon. John Sununu, PhD
Former Governor of New Hampshire, former Chief of Staff, President George H.W. Bush
Jay Elliot
Founder, Parrot Health and Migo Software, former VP, Apple
Deborah L. Wince-Smith, MA
President + CEO, U.S. Council on Competitiveness
Sydney McNiff Johnson
President, Galena Strategies
George Miller, PhD
Director Emeritus, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Deborah C. Gordon
Executive Director Emeritus, Stanford-Harvard Preventative Defense Project
Bob Cochran
CEO, CTG, former CEO, Westinghouse Government Services
Tomás Díaz de la Rubia, PhD
Senior VP for Research & Innovation, Univ. of Arizona
David Rardin
Senior Management Advisor, National Ignition Facility
Partners + Affiliates
U.S. Department of Energy
Savannah River National Laboratory
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Pillsbury Law
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OG&E Energy Corporation
Bates & White Economic Consulting
General Atomics
University of Oklahoma
Prairie View A&M University
University of New Mexico
Chickasaw Nation